
When you are shopping around for your OKC Gunite Pools, you will be asked to choose a color for your
pool. That can range from a blue to a green color or anything in between. It can be painted or tiled. The
color you choose can be a color that matches your home or your outdoor living space, or it can match
the waters of your favorite vacation destination. You may not know that there only two primary colors
for your swimming pool, blue and green. The shade of blue and green are determined by a variety of
factors. The single greatest color factor is the background dye in the finish. For blue water look for a
finish that is white, blue, black, or gray. The most popular pool finish is medium grey, which gives the
pool’s water an enticing blue tint. Darker colors, like deeper shades of grey and black, add depth to the
pool and enhance the water’s reflective quality. Ebony Blue is a popular color. It is black with a blue and
white shimmer effect. It will create a deep blue color when your pool is filled and give your space a sleek
feel. Graphite Grey. This dark grey color has a light blue shimmer in it. It is a lighter color than the Ebony
Blue and will make your pool look clear and blue like the Caribbean. Diamond Sand. This color is similar
of the sand on any beach. A light tan color with a diamond-like shimmer is sure to make your pool look
tropical. When you are shopping around for your OKC Gunite Pools, you will be asked to choose a color
for your pool. That can range from a blue to a green color or anything in between. It can be painted or
tiled. The color you choose can be a color that matches your home or your outdoor living space, or it can
match the waters of your favorite vacation destination. The most popular pool finish is medium grey,
which gives the pool’s water an enticing blue tint. Darker colors, like deeper shades of grey and black,
add depth to the pool and enhance the water’s reflective quality. Silver Grey. Silver Grey is a very light
grey color with a light blue shimmer. When a pool with this color is installed and filled, it has a very light,
clear, and pristine look. Crystal Blue. This color is a light blue with a white shimmer effect. It will
enhance the blue color of your pool water, creating an ocean-like swimming area. When you are
shopping around for your OKC Gunite Pools, you will be asked to choose a color for your pool. That can
range from a blue to a green color or anything in between. It can be painted or tiled. The color you
choose can be a color that matches your home or your outdoor living space, or it can match the waters
of your favorite vacation destination. The most popular pool finish is medium grey, which gives the
pool’s water an enticing blue tint. Darker colors, like deeper shades of grey and black, add depth to the
pool and enhance the water’s reflective quality. Aquamarine. This name of this color perfectly describes
the color. It is a turquoise color with white shimmer and tiny black specks. The overall effect is like the
Crystal Blue in that it makes the pool take on a clear, Caribbean look. When you are shopping around for
your OKC Gunite Pools, you will be asked to choose a color for your pool. That can range from a blue to
a green color or anything in between. It can be painted or tiled. The color you choose can be a color that
matches your home or your outdoor living space, or it can match the waters of your favorite vacation
destination. Sapphire Blue. This color is one of the most traditional picks for an inground pool color. This
royal blue color has a diamond shimmer that adds just enough sparkle to set it apart from standard blue
pools. When you are shopping around for your OKC Gunite Pools, you will be asked to choose a color for
your pool. That can range from a blue to a green color or anything in between. It can be painted or tiled.
The color you choose can be a color that matches your home or your outdoor living space, or it can
match the waters of your favorite vacation destination. It can be a hard decision to make given so many
choices, but you are sure to find a pool color that will match the style of your pool space. When you are
shopping around for your OKC Gunite Pools, you will be asked to choose a color for your pool. That can
range from a blue to a green color or anything in between. It can be painted or tiled. The color you

choose can be a color that matches your home or your outdoor living space, or it can match the waters
of your favorite vacation destination.