We selected to put one of our showrooms in Edmond because it is a great location with busy traffic and there is a need for better hot tubs in Edmond. A lot of our customers that work with us live in the Edmond area so we wanted to make sure we made things easier for them when it came down to our customers having to travel to our showroom or wanting to speak to their salesman. It was a great decision since we opened that showroom. There are locals who are doing other shopping trips like going to TJ Maxx or grabbing food at Chick-fil-A which is right by our showroom. When potential customers find out about our showroom in Edmond we get a shocked reaction because they are relieved they won’t have to travel really far out to come into view our hot tubs in Edmond. We designed our showrooms with you in mind to be able to see all the custom projects that we offer and get an idea of what you want and how to move forward when you are working with us on a construction project. When you come into our showroom to meet with your salesman you will be greeted by someone who is very knowledgeable and trained on the construction and products that we offer. Our sales team goes through extensive training with us as well as learning more about the construction and services we offer on their own time as well as company time. Although it is not a requirement on their own time, most of them have taken that upon themselves.
There are a lot of moving parts with construction projects and if you are not knowledgeable about it that means it could void a sale because the customer will more than likely think that we are incompetent. Our sales team will get an idea of what it is that you’re looking for when you first come in and have a small talk with you to build some rapport. If you say that you’re just browsing and looking around, they will not follow behind you like they do when you go visit a furniture store; they won’t stalk you. We allow you the time to look around, browse around, talk with who you came with, experience the store and the wonderful environment. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible when you shop with us. We want you to walk around and read the different features/benefits of our hot tubs in Edmond. Once you are ready to talk you can approach your salesman or if you see your salesman close by maybe coming up to you just to ask are you doing okay. From there if you know what you’re looking for or you know what you want to get started or you have more questions about something that you see in the store here is where the conversation begins.
Our sales team is trained to get you the answers that you need to push a project forward. If you are not 100% sure how to explain the construction project that you are wanting they will ask you certain types of questions that will get down to the idea in your head so that we can build it out for you. We do have a couple different options for you when you come into the showroom to shop. If you start your project there you can do your project selections as well and put down your 25% deposit down that is required on all construction projects and our hot tubs in Edmond it does still apply towards your project. If you do decide to move forward with the project and you do your project selections in the showroom from there your sales team member will recap the next steps which will be waiting to hear from PMH corporate office where we will be sending you a welcome email and a DocuSign contract for you to look over and sign. Attached to your Docusign is your estimate which was quoted to you while you were in the showroom while you guys talked about your project. What it is you wanted and the price that she quoted you on. You can look over that to make sure all details are right before you sign and then you can respond to the welcome email that was sent to you if you do find any discrepancies on that estimate. If everything looks good you’re good to sign and then you will just be waiting for a project manager to be assigned to you if you are a cash customer. If you are financing your next couple of steps will be different as you will be communicating with the chosen finance team about what they need from you to get your loan up and going. After all of that is finished shortly after that you will be contacted to schedule a walk-through and you will get to meet your project manager who will be handling your project from this point forward. He will be your point of contact if you have any further questions and concerns about your hot tubs in Edmond. You can still contact our corporate office if needed on certain things but most of the time any questions that you run into during this construction process will be a question for your project manager. We hope that you had a good experience with your sales team, the corporate office and of course your project manager customer service is very important here. We love good and honest feedback from you and definitely want you to share your experience with us at the end of your construction project. We hope that you love your project and you fall in love with your backyard even more, especially if you purchased one of our hot tubs in Edmond to relax in. It brings a certain sense of peace into any home. It is always a customer favorite.