We hope that you can find the time to come in to visit our hot tub store near me. We are running incredible deals and savings right now that you don’t want to miss. This holiday season was such a great holiday season for us and we were able to sell as many hot tubs as we could which brought a lot of happy customers in. It has been so nice to be able to go over all of the things with our customers to keep them informed about their new hot tub purchases and all of the things that they will need to keep in stock to make sure that it is properly up and running and keeping up with the maintenance of the hot tub.
We love that we have been able to meet new people and have great new connections and continue to build on those when they are in the market for anything like chemicals if they happen to run out. We have also put together a great chemical package when you come into our Hot Tubs store near me where you can get everything that you need at a great discounted rate when you purchase your hot tub. we also ran amazing deals on our luxury Christmas trees they were all the way up to 90% off so congratulations to everyone who was able to get them one and we do look forward to getting the other ones sold it off of our hands to anyone else who would be looking for amazing luxury Christmas trees that you can not be at that price and it will last you for years and years to come. We hope that when you did come into our hot tub store near me that you were greeted with the best warm Christmas welcome that you possibly could have ever received. We put attention and detail into decorating our showroom to make it festive for everyone who comes in just so you can always be in the Christmas spirit anytime that you’re out shopping and running all your many errands that it takes to be able to keep going around the holiday season. Our store is not overwhelmingly busy or you have to worry about long lines and being crowded by everyone.
You have plenty of elbow room to move around, walk around and do it comfortably where you don’t have to worry about anything. We were able to schedule a couple of wet tests this holiday season most of our customers do like to do that at our hot tub store near me in more of a private setting So they will book a private appointment to come in maybe by the showroom is closed like on Mondays because we still do go into serve our customers or prospective customers if that is the date that they choose to come in and it is available to them. We are willing to work off of our customer schedules if our show hours are not feasible for that customer. We are going to do whatever it takes to get them in to show them what they want to see whether it’s our hot tubs or any of our example work. The only thing that we do like to keep in our schedule is the outside sales appointments because those are a little bit different we may schedule one a little bit later or earlier but we do try to keep those on Monday through Friday schedules and normally don’t run those on the weekend but of course we can make certain exceptions on Saturdays. Everything is run by a case by case scenario but we are definitely willing to work with you on our projects when you come into our hot tub store near me we will get you taken care of for sure. If you are in the market looking for something that we offer, we would love for you to give us the opportunity to speak with you and hear your vision and ideas and show you how we can contribute to that Vision idea. We have tons of example work that you’re more than welcome to look at online you will not be disappointed you will be pleased about what you see and all the different designs and colors that you see as well because everything is custom per every customer. some of our customers even purchase their own stains that we use we do of course offer you stains to choose from but sometimes people like to go with the black if their house may give more of a black and white type of feel so they won’t a black pergola and that’s perfectly fine they just pay the fee for the upgraded staying fee and tell us the shade that they are looking for it and we will find that once they agree upon it that would be the same that we use. We want your house to flow together just as much as you want your house to flow together. If that is what you desire, some people want their projects to look completely different from their house. It’s completely up to you and your creativity. We are just here to bring your vision to life. when you come into our hot tub store near me we will go over all of that information with you and assure you will be can do and it’s very rare something that we tell you that we can’t do we are pretty well versed in everything outdoor Construction and that is something that truly says this apart from anyone else that does what we do. We truly believe that we are one of a kind and we are working hard to maintain our number one spot being the most reviewed and top rated company for outdoor construction projects in Oklahoma and we intend to stay there at our hot tub store near me. so please give us a call and we would love to get you started on your project. Did you schedule for your outside sales appointment or get you scheduled to come in to do a wet test? When I borrow hot tubs it is the perfect time to join the pmh family.