What a wonderful time it is to get in contact with us and get the next steps for your next project. and this article we want to cover a little bit about our protocol: what happens when you come in and you do your project selections or your contract. We’re going to go over all the wonderful information so you know exactly what to expect. Our process is very easy and simple that anyone can follow along with it. we just want to make sure that we are going over these line items very carefully and detailed with you so you have a good idea and you can know what to look forward to what to expect and what you can start planning on or what you can start thinking about these kind of Articles just kind of help our customers whether you’re getting a construction project or one of our hot tubs in moore it keeps you in the know. So we like to say that your very first step is having the conversation with your family right. you may not know exactly what it is that you want and you may not know exactly what will be an addition to your house for everybody and your family. You may want to see what different projects everyone wants to create the perfect backyard for everyone. Whatever helps you get to your final decision of whatever it is that you need that first happens when you’re having the conversation about what it is you guys want to add to your backyard. Sometimes it does happen when people get inspired and you see like our project photography. Sometimes a lot of our customers pull from that and they’re like yes we want exactly that so it’s always helpful to look at the pictures to now have the conversations and get a good idea of exactly what it is you want. now if you know that you are getting one of our hot tubs in moore than you know that process is going to be a little bit easier than having to dig and do research on what exactly it is that you want because a hot tub is pretty standard and straightforward right. The only thing that you need to think about is what features you want in your hot tubs and what benefits you went out of your hot tubs that is the only thing that really matters that is something that you can totally do research on at home and speak with your family about to see if there are certain things that they are looking for. When those conversations are done and you have a good idea of what exactly you would love to add to your backyard then you can start doing the next steps of contacting us to schedule an outside sales appointment if you are going to be getting a construction project. what the outside sales appointment will do is we’re going to send you one of our amazing sales teams they’re going to come out to your home this is completely free you are going to tell them that your ideas your Visions what it is you want where you want it to be placed get a good idea because sometimes we know that you won’t know all the details and the measurements and things like that they’ll have measuring tape everything that they need to move forward to the next steps which will be getting you your proposal. your proposal will be good for 30 days so you have that to decide if you want to move forward or what would be your next name. with that you will have to do project selection so then you will come into our showroom this is normally where customer start to add more like one of our hot tubs in Moore because we have a showroom full of them so sometimes customers forget all about them and they end up adding them once they come in to do their project selections. if you decide to add a hot tub there that is perfectly fine you still can mention the hot tub before you even see the hot tubs with your outside salesman. That is no issue there it can still be added on at any point that you decide to move forward with one. what’s your project selections are done they will send that information over to our corporate office where they will then start to do the administrative works you will then be getting a contract that you will be signing via DocuSign and then you will be hearing from us once you get that signed to get your initial walk-through schedule. we are running through this article kind of fast so this is not as detailed as we would like it to be so we will go over that in another article as well and super fine details to make sure that you understand it and we do also have several other articles that talk about these steps that go into a little bit more detail since we are going a little bit quickly to this cuz we want to make sure we can cover as much information as we can whether you are getting a construction project or one of our hot tubs in Moore. What’s a contract is signed then that initial walkthrough will be scheduled. This is where you will be needing your project manager who will be your point of contact throughout the duration of your project. his job is very important he will not be doing none of the hard labor work because that’s not his job but it is his job to make sure that everyone else is doing their jobs to build out your perfect backyard so he does the scheduling for the different contractors to come out he does it in the correct order to make sure that we’re not doing something before something else is done so his job is very important he will be able to answer all of your questions there should never be a question that you have that your project manager is not able to answer concerning your project. If you are getting one of our hot tubs in Moore you will not be getting a project manager unless you are getting electrical work or concrete work if it is only the hot tubs that you will be needing then you will just be getting a delivery. you will not be getting a contract via DocuSign the contract that you sign in the showroom will be your contract to go with that and then once you’re hot tub is paid off then we will contact you to schedule delivery unless you’re doing financing and you’ll get it before it’s paid off because that’s how financing works when you are financing one of our hot tubs in Moore.