We are so excited about all the things that we are now offering at our showroom concerning our hot tubs in moore. We came up with wonderful and great packages for our chemicals when you come in and you purchase one of our hot tubs. We thought that this would make things a lot easier for our customers, especially if this is your first time owning a hot tub because then you will see exactly what is needed and you can take note of it and take a picture of all the items. you don’t have to worry about going to multiple different places to get what you need and do a lot of research on how much of this or how much of that you will literally be set for at least the next 6 months depending on how much you use your hot tubs in moore. We are always thinking about our customers and what makes things easier for you and how best we can explain things to you to make sure that you are completely understanding the flow and process of whatever project you are getting with us whether it is a construction project or just one of our hot tubs. We hope that we think about our customers and explain and do all this extra like the Articles and things like that to make sure you are prepared and in the know that you feel comfortable and confident that this will be a great decision for you moving forward on your journey of a construction project in your backyard. We love to have our customers think of this as a wonderful experience it’s not just a once in a lifetime opportunity you can literally do this every single time you move if you are a person who moves often maybe if you’re a military family or things like that but once you really get settled in we like to think that that is the best time to really dive into what we offer for a backyard. Our biggest goal with these projects is we want to help you create wonderful memories at home in your backyard with friends and family. yes all these features and amenities that we build and add on can be added anywhere in places like where we like to travel and yes you can go to hotels and experience a lot of these amenities but why do you have to go anywhere why can’t you just have these luxuries right at home. That is why we offer all these incredible projects and hot tubs in Moore so you can experience luxury right at home. We have things that will literally fit any family from a big family to a small family whatever it is you want for my custom swimming pools. We know that we got something for you. all it takes is for you to give us a phone call we can get you scheduled for 1 hour amazing outside salesman to come to your home hear your ideas and share some ideas that he may have with you and then he will come back to the office he will start working on that quote of what you guys all decided was what’s your interested in moving forward then he will let you know he emailed that over to you you and your family will look over it and once you decide that is what you want to do cuz we can also guarantee the price that we give you you will not find anywhere else. When you decide it’s time for you to move over, all you have to do is pay your 25% deposit. He will bring that into our corporate office and we will get you ready to go with your construction project. If you are getting one of our hot tubs in Moore, we will get you scheduled to come in because you will need to come in and actually see the hot tubs to decide which one you want.Now our salesman are able to give you a good accurate description and go over information and all the things with you pricing and all of that even if you do not see it because it’s not necessarily required that you see it but we do recommend it because a lot of our customers still would like to see the hot tub before they purchase it so that’s perfectly fine we can get you set up for an appointment to come in to see it or you are more than welcome to just do a walkie and we are open and we can get you taken care of in that way. especially if you’re doing a project with that you’ll more than likely have to go in to do project selections where you’re picking your stains and Etc whatever else is needed for your project that will be a good time for you to go in and check out our hot tubs in Moore. We know that you have probably been looking for quite some time once you get with us that is why we are normally very patient with our customers and make sure we go for every detail with you guys to make sure you get what you want. This could be your first time looking into backyard projects and we could be the only company that you’re interested in working with and in that case we greatly and highly appreciate you for doing your research and discovering that we are the most reviewed and highest rated company for what we offer. Our reputation is very reputable and that is not just because of our amazing customers who have fallen in love with their projects who are falling in love with their hot tubs in Moore and continue to add more to their homes with us. We never take any of our support lightly whether that is just a share on social media, whatever it is or recommendation to a friend and family. We are very appreciative because that keeps us going and that is why we have projects all over Oklahoma. we were so excited to expand to Tulsa because it was something new for us it was a different territory we got to see how well we will be welcomed and how well the business would do there and that just let us know that there are also other territories that are further out that also want to do business with us and so we’re looking into expanding more to make sure that everybody can have the experience that you all are receiving first hand to also be able to offer these incredible hot tubs and moore all over Oklahoma.