Hot Tubs in OKC | Come see the Showroom!
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Perfect My Home has all information lined out from the beginning of your project to the very end. In this article we are going to go over what the end of your project will look like if there is anything Perfect My Home needs from you or what steps we will take next. This makes the process easier for you as the homeowner and us as the contract to end on the same page that we started on. We find our customers love that after the project is done we still do things to make sure that they are satisfied. That’s why even if someone has to call in for something that may be a warranty issue on their hot tubs in Okc they are not irritated or aggressive at all. Our customers understand that things happen outside of Perfect My Home scope but we take care of it as soon as we can. Here we care about you as the homeowner and your home. We have been perfecting backyards for over 20 years and can’t wait to add your backyard to our beautiful portfolio of the amazing work Perfect My Home does all over Oklahoma and the hot tubs in Okc.

As you may have previously read in our other articles you will be assigned a project manager who will be your point of contact throughout the project. He will communicate with you and give you updates like if maybe your granite or some other needed materials was on backorder he will notify you. You can also communicate with your project manager for instance if you are going out of town and you prefer to put your project on hold or delay your delivery for your hot tubs in Okc. That is something that you would reach out to your project manager about to notify him so he knows not to schedule any of our Project Managers out to your home while you will be out of town. Most of our customers are fine with us working while they are not there but we understand everyone has their preference on how they want things done. We respect your wishes and will definitely work with you on your schedule of course with setting realistic expectations if your schedule is a little hectic and don’t want us to continue to work if you are not home then your project will be set back depending on how much they will be delayed on continuing to work on your project. As your project progresses and comes to an end we like to give you as the homeowner time to look over everything and make sure you are well pleased with everything. The best way to do that is after every major step make sure it’s your selection and you love the way everything is turning out. Some things we have to catch very early to be able to correct and replace. One of the things we offer once your project is complete is your final walkthrough. So remember how at the beginning of your project you have your initial walkthrough where your project manager will come to your home and you will discuss where your project will be placed, go over your sketch, and discuss any add-ons or changes you would like to make. We schedule a final walkthrough at the end so you can discuss with your project manager how everything turned out you can really see how well that sketch turned out and if you got a 3d rendering with your project it will be identical to what your backyard looks like now which is really neat and cool because you got to see it and experience it before it was ever completed. Your project will walk side by side with you showing you everything that we have done and if there are any cautions you need to be aware of like things electrical if you got a smart tub or hot tubs in Okc. They will go over proper care and maintenance with you and if there is anything that is still needed to do that may not have come in yet or they are waiting for something to dry they will give you all communication concerning that. Here is the perfect chance for you to ask all of your important questions about stains whether or not it can be reapplied in a few years or how many coats could the stain take now, or what about the chemicals my hot tubs in Okc takes. If you see no issues or concerns and all your questions are answered your project with Perfect My Home is officially over yay! We hope that you love everything about it and hope you create many wonderful memories you and your family will laugh over for many years to come.

A few weeks after your project or your hot tubs in Okc are delivered. You will be contacted by our photographer who goes from house to house taking wonderful pictures of your home we like to give you a little bit of time before we reach out for you to put your own personal touch on whether its adding patio furniture, a lot of cool antiques outside, whatever you like to do in your outdoor living area we want to see the results that makes all the difference and keeps our project unique to our customers. We love that you guys have trusted us with your home to add more to it and we love even more that you allow us to still access your home for our photos and we hope you recommend us to your friends and family. We would love for them to join the Perfect My Home family. When our photographer is there she will also have a QR code on her badge that takes you straight to our google page where you can leave us a 5-star review and share your experience with Perfect My Home. She will then give you a $10 Starbucks gift card and if you accept to do a 30 second video on camera answering 4 quick questions you will receive an additional $10 gift card.