Hot Tubs in OKC | Why Buy a Hot tub from Perfect My Home - PMH OKC
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We are having a wonderful opportunity to offer to our new clients and also our old clients. That’s right you will see it here first and read all about it here first. We are always coming up with new and exciting ways to keep you guys involved and we want to make sure that we keep even our past customers in the know. No matter what is new that is coming to our showroom even if you have a spy we are adding so much more to our spa collection or things that overall contributes to a wellness area in your home like saunas and more. It’s such an exciting time to learn more about us and all the things that we have to offer when you come into our showroom where we have our hot tubs in okc. we are so excited to connect with some of our older clients because we love to hear about how your current spa is going we love to hear that it is not giving you any issues and you have been able to either keep up with the chemicals yourself if that is the route that you have chosen to take or whether you are partnering with a wonderful company that does the cleaning and maintenance for you even if you heard about the valet services that we now offer for our hot tubs in OKC and we are the company handling all of the needs for your hot tub for you we hope that you see how easy it is to own one of our hot tubs. We love to share with people coming to our showroom that hot tubs do require less chemicals. That does not mean it does not require any chemicals at all or that does not mean that you will be using way less chemicals depending on how much you are in one of our hot tubs in okc. if we follow up with you because once we did launch this service we did want to get in contact with all our previous clients especially the ones that asked about the service before we even thought about offering this service we definitely wanted to make sure we got in contact with you to let you know that we are now running this amazing opportunity on multiple different things not even just your Spas at home but also your swimming pools and other things that are helpful and beneficial to the upkeep in the longevity of your backyard projects. We not only offer these incredible warranty programs that pretty much warranties everything we wanted to be able to offer something like this that could also be used for someone who didn’t purchase one of our hot tubs in OKC maybe they purchased from our competitor and found out what a huge mistake that was now they need us to try to fix it and work on it if it is in need of repairs that we do do. we have decided with our valet service that we will not service certain types of hot tubs or swimming pools and not because it just came from one of our competitors but simply because we won’t know a lot about it and if it’s already damaged we want to be sure that we don’t call any further damage to your hot tub so we will just let you know that that is just not something that we service because we just don’t have the knowledge of how to service them. it could be exactly the same of servicing one of our hot tubs but there is certain things that we know for sure and certain things that we don’t know for sure and the thing that we know for sure is that we know how to deal and work on our hot tubs and And we don’t know how to work on other hot tubs in OKC because it’s not something that we studied and looked into and so it’s not something that we feel comfortable offering because we would hate to put it in any further damage or make it have any further bad reaction to anything that we use. I’m sure we can learn a lot of different things and who knows what the future will bring but for now we’re just going to service what we are comfortable doing what we are confident that we know how to do and what we offer because that is what is best and that is what will serve our customers best because you want to only get someone to come out to look at something that can fix the issue that you are having or at least figure out what the issue is. all hot tubs are not built exactly the same there is a lot of similarities but when you are working with these different brands and different type of companies the way that they can’t be built to make possibly be different and so that’s what makes the difference for us and we just don’t want to cause any further damage on any other hot tubs in OKC so for now we have to decline those offers that come from brands that we don’t know about. We think it’s a very cool thing that we do know about a couple other brands and how to service them and we are able to offer that to a lot of customers and it’s always interesting to hear when we go out to their homes and we service them that once this hot tub goes out when they don’t want to put any more money into it they will be purchasing one of our hot tubs. So trust us, save yourself the worry and the headache of putting money into a different brand of hot tub and once you’re ready to purchase your very own just come and see us and we can get you taken care of. We have incredible deals. If you are around you can ask any of our customers they have gotten literally thousands of dollars taken off of their hot tubs to make sure that we could get them exactly what they want within their budget. We work very hard to be able to offer these types of things to our customers but it makes us so proud to be able to do that and help them along their journey.