What we have learned when we moved to Tulsa is that it is a wonderful market and there are a lot of you guys who are looking for hot tubs in Tulsa. We are so glad that we were able to open up a showroom there and get you guys all taken care of. We had no idea how hot the market would be or we knew a little bit we had a good idea cause obviously before we moved to toast so we had still been servicing Tulsa but we never knew how much it would grow we anticipated of course that it would be good which is why we wanted to go ahead and move forward with opening it up but we never knew how big the knee was for what we were offering. What really opened our eyes is when we started doing the trade shows in Tulsa and we were selling all of our hot tubs that we had on display even something wrong back order and we were like wow this is a great Market in there a lot of people that are looking for the hot tubs in Tulsa that we offer. We do understand of course if there are other businesses there that offer the same things that we offer as far as it being a hot tub but nobody offers the brand of hot tubs that we offer and if you know anything about us you know that what we offer is luxury products. and that is not to dismiss any tax bracket or anything like that, it is just simply we want to give customers a product that is expensive and we want to give it to them that is going to last. if you know anything about hot tubs then you know that the lifespan on them is about 15 years Max and with the products that we offer if you don’t use it a whole bunch and it has proper upkeeping things like that you can keep it for about 20 years and that is something that is exciting it gets most of our customers ready to move forward because they don’t want to keep purchasing something that’s a very expensive product over and over again. If you do purchase one of the hot tubs in Tulsa though that does not carry the type of reputation that they carry, that is the type of situation that you may find yourself in. think about purchasing a car from someone off of Facebook Marketplace there is nothing that they have to show you but maybe print out the records that they can search online and tell you about their experience with the car which is going to be good they might tell you that maybe the air doesn’t work you know especially if it’s older car they’re going to tell you about at least one flaw because obviously you would know that older car is going to come with some form of flaws so they may just tell you something small and then you purchase the car and then you find yourself putting money into this vehicle every single month and by the time you were done in the car just finally gives out on you you’re going to feel like dang I could have just purchased a brand new car off of the lot based off of what I spent on this. This is how we want you to think about our hot tubs in Tulsa because it could cost around the price of a vehicle depending on what vehicle that you are interested in getting. there’s so many different scenarios that we like to give to our customers when they are in the market and shopping and not because we are hoping customers necessarily purchase from us but because we are hoping that customers purchase and shop wisely because it’s going to be something that nobody is an expert in. unless you’ve worked in this field you’re not going to know just a ton about hot tubs even if you grew up in the house that had one you don’t know the ins and outs of it because you’re a kid and your parents were keeping up with everything and then that model might not even be sold anymore so there’s a lot of information that goes into our hot tubs in Tulsa and we want to make sure that we are able to tell all of our customers and get you guys taken care of so you don’t Have any questions at the end of your hot tub experience with us and we got you good and taking care of so you feel confident and ready to take care of your hot tub once it’s delivered. of course most of our customers know if you do so choose to continue to work with us we do have a wonderful valet service where we can continue to work on the hot tub for you throughout the duration of the lifespan of your hot tub depending on what subscription you decide to go with we will be glad to keep up with that for you and then that’s a good way to guarantee that you’re going to reach the lifespan of the hot tub because we are very knowledgeable and we know exactly what we need to do. you want to work with the company who can tell when the hot tubs in Tulsa is getting ready to go bad on the water sometimes you don’t need to let the water get all the way green or brown sometimes you can simply tell when the blue it’s just simply fading a little but that is time to get that water changed out and cleaned and things like that and that is something only experts know. That’s why even in construction areas we work with experts that do know and they can point us in the right direction and that’s really what helps us continue to get ahead.