
When adding Landscaping OKC around your pavilion, flowers are going to make the biggest impact. While any color will brighten up the spot, during the summer, it is nice to have a yellow flower around your brown stained pavilion because it will really stand out and complement it. There are many kinds of flowers to choose from, so you will want to consult your Landscaping OKC specialist for advice on what will grow best in your weather, temperature, and soil conditions. They will be able to offer you suggestions on what will look the best and work the best for you while they give you a free estimate that includes a sketch of what your Landscaping OKC project will ultimately look like after it has been completed.

Sunflowers are one of the most popular flowers around and are many people’s favorite flower. You often see sunflowers used as décor in people’s homes, so why not use them to decorate your outdoor living space? Planting them around your pavilion will look beautiful, as they will coordinate well with the dark stain that matches the center of the sunflower with the dark yellow leaves around them to make them pop and stand out and add a splash of color to your backyard. There are seventy species to choose from, so if this is your flower of choice to plant around your pavilion in your backyard’s outdoor living space, there will be one that will work for you. Chrysanthemums are also known by other names such as mums. They come in many different shades of yellow from a very light almost white yellow to a very dark almost golden yellow.

Black-Eyed Susan’s are in the sunflower family, so if you like that flower, this is another similar option to consider. Like Chrysanthemums, roses also come in a variety of different shades of yellow. They are very special flowers and will look spectacular growing around your pavilion. Yellow roses used to symbolize jealousy but now they symbolize friendship, joy, and caring. Like roses, yellow tulips used to be associated with jealousy, but now they stand for hope and cheer. They are a very popular choice for flower gardens and will look nice growing around your pavilion. Dahlia is a relative of the sunflower and only resembles it in the round shape. The petals are much smaller and more plentiful, and they have a yellow center instead of a black one.

Calla Lilies look like little trumpets or horns or other musical instruments and bloom out with big petals. Peonies are one of the most beautiful flowers on the face of the earth. They almost do not even look real they are so gorgeous. They grow on bushes, so they should be planted next to your pavilion with room to grow. Daffodils are often seen in the spring and are associated with little girls in cute hats and dresses going to church. Planting these around your pavilion will give you the perfect backdrop for photographs. From photos of children to family photos to engagement photos, your photos will look amazing.

The daylily is a plant, but it is a flowering plant, so it still fits into the category of flowers to plant around your pavilion. Gardening enthusiasts love these for their looks. They flower beautifully and are often grown and entered contests. If you are looking for a hobby, you can sit in the shade of your pavilion and tend to your flowers and wait for the winning one to bloom so that you can enter it into a contest.
Hydrangea is the most diverse of all flowers and can be big, small, short, or climbing. Your landscape crew can tell you which one to choose if trying to decide which of these would look best around your pavilion.

Irises are great because they grow and spread quickly and are easy to take care of. The only downfall is that they only bloom for a short amount of time, a few days, so you do not have very much time to enjoy them. The green leaves do look nice so you can enjoy the foliage for a long time before and after the flower has bloomed. Marigolds are nice to have around for their striking golden petals as well as for their healing properties. They are great for taking care of a myriad of skin issues from itching to burns to bites and swelling. The orchid is the most difficult to grow and care for and one of the priciest as well. You will need to plan on dedicating a lot of time and attention to it if that is what you plan to plant around your pavilion.

Hibiscus is a tropical flower that is gorgeous. If you have a swimming pool near your pavilion, these will look fantastic. They will make your backyard’s outdoor living space look like paradise. You can have a staycation every day by just stepping out of your backdoor. Carnation has a deep history in the flower world and mean flower of love. This flower has been loved for many centuries. You can find them anywhere and everywhere because of their popularity, affordability, and their ease of care. Now that you know all about these different yellow flowers, it is time to decide. Once you have your list narrowed down, call PMH Perfect My Home and schedule an appointment for a free estimate by our Landscaping OKC designer and salesman who will come to your home and look at your backyard and your pavilion and advise you on what your Landscaping OKC project should entail. They will call you with a quote, and once you have made your down payment, they will send the Landscaping OKC division to your outdoor living space in your home’s backyard to get started on your project.