Your home, including your backyard, patio, basement, attic, and garage have many spots where firewood can be stored, but if you have an outdoor fireplace OKC, the best place to store your firewood is in your fireplace. A custom built and installed fireplace can have holes placed on the sides so that you can fill them with firewood. There are many reasons why this is the best place to store firewood. For convenience, to keep it dry, it is easy to load and unload, you can see when it is getting low, it looks decorative, and it keeps it safe from pests. There is nothing more convenient than having your firewood inside storage holes in your outdoor fireplace. You do not have to carry it a long distance, just move one log at a time from the storage hole directly into the fireplace. Anyone in your household can do it because it does not involve carrying wood from one location to the next, it is not labor intensive, you will not get dirty, or track loose bark onto your patio or through your house. It is the quickest and easiest way to store and use your firewood. It is very convenient and worth having this custom work done on your outdoor fireplace. You home, including your backyard, patio, basement, attic, and garage have many spots where firewood can be stored, but if you have an outdoor fireplace OKC, the best place to store your firewood is in your fireplace. A custom built and installed fireplace can have holes placed on the sides so that you can fill them with firewood. There are many reasons why this is the best place to store firewood. For convenience, to keep it dry, it is easy to load and unload, you can see when it is getting low, it looks decorative, and it keeps it safe from pests. Keeping your firewood inside the side holes of your outdoor fireplace will keep your firewood dry. It will be kept sheltered and off the ground so no moisture can get to it. Keeping firewood dry is very important because it has to be dry in order for it to burn. You home, including your backyard, patio, basement, attic, and garage have many spots where firewood can be stored, but if you have an outdoor fireplace OKC, the best place to store your firewood is in your fireplace. A custom built and installed fireplace can have holes placed on the sides so that you can fill them with firewood. There are many reasons why this is the best place to store firewood. For convenience, to keep it dry, it is easy to load and unload, you can see when it is getting low, it looks decorative, and it keeps it safe from pests. Having your firewood inside the holes of your outdoor fireplace makes it very easy to load and unload as needed. Most are made to hold quite a bit of firewood so that you do not have to worry about refilling it very often, but that is completely up to you. The bigger your outdoor fireplace, the large the holes will be to make it look right, but again, that is up to you. You may want a hole on both sides or you may just want a hole one side, they could be large or small. You may want two holes but then you will use one for firewood storage and the other one to store other items and fireplace accessories. You home, including your backyard, patio, basement, attic, and garage have many spots where firewood can be stored, but if you have an outdoor fireplace OKC, the best place to store your firewood is in your fireplace. A custom built and installed fireplace can have holes placed on the sides so that you can fill them with firewood. There are many reasons why this is the best place to store firewood. For convenience, to keep it dry, it is easy to load and unload, you can see when it is getting low, it looks decorative, and it keeps it safe from pests. When your firewood is conveniently located inside the holes of your outdoor fireplace, it makes it very easy to see when you are getting low on firewood and you need to replenish it. You do not have to search for it in the basement or the garage or elsewhere in or around your home or backyard to know if you need to pick up or order more, you can always see it in plain sight to know when you are getting low. One of the many advantages to keeping it in the holes in the sides of your outdoor fireplace. You home, including your backyard, patio, basement, attic, and garage have many spots where firewood can be stored, but if you have an outdoor fireplace OKC, the best place to store your firewood is in your fireplace. A custom built and installed fireplace can have holes placed on the sides so that you can fill them with firewood. There are many reasons why this is the best place to store firewood. For convenience, to keep it dry, it is easy to load and unload, you can see when it is getting low, it looks decorative, and it keeps it safe from pests. Firewood stacked neatly in the side holes of your outdoor fireplace also makes your outdoor fireplace and your outdoor living space look very decorative and nice. Some people decorate with firewood logs even if they do not have an outdoor fireplace because of the trendy look of it. This is a great way to decorate your outdoor fireplace with something that is useful on top of it. You will get twice the benefits and double the impact by having storage holes placed in the sides of your outdoor fireplace. You home, including your backyard, patio, basement, attic, and garage have many spots where firewood can be stored, but if you have an outdoor fireplace OKC, the best place to store your firewood is in your fireplace. A custom built and installed fireplace can have holes placed on the sides so that you can fill them with firewood. There are many reasons why this is the best place to store firewood. For convenience, to keep it dry, it is easy to load and unload, you can see when it is getting low, it looks decorative, and it keeps it safe from pests. One of the biggest advantages to having holes in the sides of your outdoor fireplace for firewood storage is that it keeps your firewood safe from pests. There are bugs and rodents that can quickly and easily make their homes in your stack of firewood if you keep it stacked outside on the ground or in the corner of your garage or basement. That can be a real pain and a hassle to have to deal with. You home, including your backyard, patio, basement, attic, and garage have many spots where firewood can be stored, but if you have an outdoor fireplace OKC, the best place to store your firewood is in your fireplace. A custom built and installed fireplace can have holes placed on the sides so that you can fill them with firewood. There are many reasons why this is the best place to store firewood. For convenience, to keep it dry, it is easy to load and unload, you can see when it is getting low, it looks decorative, and it keeps it safe from pests. Call the professionals at PMH OKC and they can give you a free estimate on an outdoor fireplace with side hole storage for your firewood.