After you have invested time and money in a pergola OKC, you will want to take the time to clean it regularly to maintain its appearance and increase its lifespan. There are things you will want to do on a regular, more frequent basis, and there are things that you will want to do annually every few years, or just as needed. Hosing down your pergola is the quickest and easiest way to keep it clean of dirt and debris that can build up over time. You can adjust the water pressure depending on how dirty it is as well as how sturdy it is. If done regularly, there is nothing more that you have to do. Your pergola will stay looking nice and clean and new and fresh year-round. After you have invested time and money in a pergola OKC, you will want to take the time to clean it regularly to maintain its appearance and increase its lifespan. There are things you will want to do on a regular, more frequent basis, and there are things that you will want to do annually every few years, or just as needed. It is always wise after having a pergola installed to buy a pergola cleaning kit. A pergola cleaning kit has everything you need to keep your pergola in tip-top shape. From the proper cleaners to the right brushes, you can take care of any cleaning job that arises throughout the long lifespan of your pergola. After you have invested time and money in a pergola OKC, you will want to take the time to clean it regularly to maintain its appearance and increase its lifespan. There are things you will want to do on a regular, more frequent basis, and there are things that you will want to do annually every few years, or just as needed. A hard-bristled brush is a wise investment when it comes to supplies to have on hand to clean your pergola. A hard-bristled brush will help to remove any dirt or debris that has built up over time that you may have missed or were not able to remove using a hose. There are a variety of styles and sizes of brushes that you can buy, in a wide range of prices. You can choose how much you want to spend and what style is easiest for you to use. It might be a great idea to invest in several different sizes for small and large areas of cleaning. After you have invested time and money in a pergola OKC, you will want to take the time to clean it regularly to maintain its appearance and increase its lifespan. There are things you will want to do on a regular, more frequent basis, and there are things that you will want to do annually every few years, or just as needed. If you end up with mold, mildew or stains on your pergola you will need to create your cleaning solution made of vinegar, bleach, and water. You can use your brushes or put it in a spray bottle and spray it on your pergola and let it sit for a while and then use your hose to spray it off. After you have invested time and money in a pergola OKC, you will want to take the time to clean it regularly to maintain its appearance and increase its lifespan. There are things you will want to do on a regular, more frequent basis, and there are things that you will want to do annually every few years, or just as needed. Despite all your cleaning efforts, you will still want to add a fresh coat of stain or paint to your pergola every few years to maintain it. That will completely cover any stains that you are not able to remove using the other cleaning methods, and it will make it look brand new like it did in its original condition. You will also run into issues with fading over time. Especially with stain, so whether it gets dirty or not, you will at least want to add some fresh stain to keep it looking new over time. After you have invested time and money in a pergola OKC, you will want to take the time to clean it regularly to maintain its appearance and increase its lifespan. There are things you will want to do on a regular, more frequent basis, and there are things that you will want to do annually every few years, or just as needed. Many people choose to add creeping plants and vines to the posts of their pergolas because they love the way that it looks, but you will want to remove or cut back any unwanted creeping plants that could weigh down or damage your pergola. Some of these can become very heavy overtime and can cause problems. Some are weeding and can be considered cleaning your pergola by removing them. After you have invested time and money in a pergola OKC, you will want to take the time to clean it regularly to maintain its appearance and increase its lifespan. There are things you will want to do on a regular, more frequent basis, and there are things that you will want to do annually every few years, or just as needed. It is common to place a pergola over or near your outdoor kitchen, but that can cause smoke or grease stains to build upon your pergola. You will want to consider that when placing your pergola and your kitchen to help with extra maintenance and cleaning of your pergola. When you are cooking outside with food, it can sometimes get messy and using all of the fancy sauces and rubs in your grill and your smoker can cause some extra cleaning, and that can go for your pergola too. When wiping down your outdoor kitchen, be sure to wipe down your pergola posts too.