There are numerous ways to maintain your pergola OKC, and it is important to keep it maintained to keep it looking nice and to extend its lifespan. If you keep it up on a regular basis, it will be very simple to do. If you neglect it, and wait until it is too far gone, it might mean more work, or even repairs. If you have invested money into a pergola, it is worth the time it takes to keep it looking nice and new. Painting your pergola before, during, or after it has been installed will help to keep it looking nice for a long period of time. You are putting several coats of paint over it, so it will protect it from the weather and act as a cover, or a coat on your pergola. Painting a pergola will require less long-term maintenance. There are numerous ways to maintain your pergola OKC, and it is important to keep it maintained to keep it looking nice and to extend its lifespan. If you keep it up on a regular basis, it will be very simple to do. If you neglect it, and wait until it is too far gone, it might mean more work, or even repairs. If you have invested money into a pergola, it is worth the time it takes to keep it looking nice and new. Staining is another option. You will want to seal it and stain it before, during, or immediately after it has been installed. Staining is more popular than painting, but with stain, you can see more of the natural look of the cedar coming through than with paint. A darker stain will help more than a lighter stain, but it always comes down to your personal preference. There are numerous ways to maintain your pergola OKC, and it is important to keep it maintained to keep it looking nice and to extend its lifespan. If you keep it up on a regular basis, it will be very simple to do. If you neglect it, and wait until it is too far gone, it might mean more work, or even repairs. If you have invested money into a pergola, it is worth the time it takes to keep it looking nice and new. Priming your pergola will always help to maintain its overall look. You will definitely want to prime it to keep it looking nice for a long time. There are numerous ways to maintain your pergola OKC, and it is important to keep it maintained to keep it looking nice and to extend its lifespan. If you keep it up on a regular basis, it will be very simple to do. If you neglect it, and wait until it is too far gone, it might mean more work, or even repairs. If you have invested money into a pergola, it is worth the time it takes to keep it looking nice and new. The quickest, easiest, and most common way to maintain your pergola is to clean it. There are many ways to clean your pergola from spraying it down with a hose. That could be a regular garden hose or a power washing hose, depending on how dirty it is. Using a stiff bristled brush, or a heavy-duty sponge will also help to scrub it clean. A pergola cleaning kit is also available that will have everything you need to keep it looking nice and new and clean and maintained. This should always be your first and recommended step to maintaining your pergola. There are numerous ways to maintain your pergola OKC, and it is important to keep it maintained to keep it looking nice and to extend its lifespan. If you keep it up on a regular basis, it will be very simple to do. If you neglect it, and wait until it is too far gone, it might mean more work, or even repairs. If you have invested money into a pergola, it is worth the time it takes to keep it looking nice and new. Always examine the structure of your pergola on a regular basis. That will help you notice things like splintering and leaning and cracks and splits. Most cracks and splits are normal and natural and are nothing to worry about, but some may require attention. A part of maintaining your pergola is keeping a close eye on the detail of it. There are numerous ways to maintain your pergola OKC, and it is important to keep it maintained to keep it looking nice and to extend its lifespan. If you keep it up on a regular basis, it will be very simple to do. If you neglect it, and wait until it is too far gone, it might mean more work, or even repairs. If you have invested money into a pergola, it is worth the time it takes to keep it looking nice and new. Touch ups are an important step to maintaining your pergola. Whether you paint, stain, or seal your pergola, it will require touchups. Some will be minor, and eventually, after a few years or so, you may need to repaint or add an additional coat of stain or sealer to your entire pergola. This is normal upkeep and maintenance for your pergola. You can do this yourself, or you can hire a professional to come out and do it for you. It is important to always keep a gallon of stain or paint on hand so that you will be ready if you need to do a quick touchup or a more involved touchup of the entire pergola. There are numerous ways to maintain your pergola OKC, and it is important to keep it maintained to keep it looking nice and to extend its lifespan. If you keep it up on a regular basis, it will be very simple to do. If you neglect it, and wait until it is too far gone, it might mean more work, or even repairs. If you have invested money into a pergola, it is worth the time it takes to keep it looking nice and new. Some people have intentional vines growing on their pergola posts and across the sides and the top of the roof, but some may appear out of nowhere, like weeds. It is important to keep an eye out for pesky, unwanted vines that may grow and invade your pergola. They are very simple and easy to trim back or cut away or completely eliminate to avoid any unwanted structural wear or damage to your pergola. The professionals at PMH OKC can advise you on the best ways to maintain your pergola in the short term as well as in the long term.